Don’t Fight Gunfire With Gunfire

All these feminist groups, and black lives matters, and trans lives matters, etc etc social justice warriors groups, should all just come together as one big hateful family named “White Males Don’t Matter” you know since there all running with that same angle, it saves some time lol.

You get nowhere fighting gunfire with gunfire or hatred with hatred.
Blaming solves nothing.
Belittling solves nothing.
Bashing solves nothing.
& Bitching solves nothing.
Be the chance you want to see.
It has to start with you.
Why repeat our mistakes.
Why look for retribution & regression instead of forgiveness and growth?
Don’t you see it’s what they want.
To divide and conquer us.
And we’re letting it happen instead of tapping into understanding or compassion.

Drop the misandry already, it’s all about equalism. ✌🏻